Hrana koju serviramo sadrži najkvalitetnije sastojke. Nastojimo uvijek pripremati lokalnu svježu hranu, sezonsku, uglavnom uzgojenu na našem OPGu. Surađujemo s lokalnim poljoprivrednicima od kojih nabavljamo meso, plodove mora i namirnice koje ne proizvodimo sami. (Kuhinja je otvorena od 16 do 22h.)
Our food is made of the best available ingredients. We always strive to provide the local fresh food, seasonal, typically grown at our own land. We cooperate with the local farmers to supply the meat, seafood and the ingredients we do not produce ourselves. (Kitchen open from 4 until 10pm).
Izaberite jedan ili više predjela kao tapas. / Select one or more starters as tapas.
Zapečena palenta premazana domaćim pestom sa sušenim pomidorima./ Baked polenta spread with home-made pesto and sundried tomatoes on top.
Zapečeni šampinjoni punjeni sirom i vrhnjem. Poslužujemo s domaćim kruhom./ Baked mushrooms with cheese topping and cream. Served with home made bread.
Sučani poljupci i gljive s kauli kremom servirani zajedno./
Sun kisses and mushrooms with cauliflower sauce combined.
Porcija pršuta iz dalmatinske zagore (100g)/
Plate of prosciutto from Dalmatian hinterland (100g)
Porcija izvanrednog ovčjeg sira s Brača (100g)/
Plate of delicious sheep cheese from Brač (100g)
Porcija pršuta iz dalmatinske zagore (100g) Porcija ovčjeg sira s Brača (100g) posluženo s domaćim kruhom./
Plate of sheep cheese from Brač (100g) and Plate of prosciutto from Dalmatian hinter-land (100g) served with home-made bread.
Tjestenina i jela su rađena ručno s prirodnim sastojcima, bez aditiva / Our pasta and dishes are hand-made with natural ingredients, no additives.
Pašticada a-la Cava se vratila! Najkvalitetniji komadi mesa, spremljeni po jedinstvenom receptu!/
Veal stew a-la Cava is back! The best slices of meat, prepared our unique way, served with delicious gnocchi.
Njoki za vegetarijance - posluženi sa domaćom šalšom ILI kremom od tikvica direktno iz našeg vrta./
Vegetarian gnocchi option - served with delicious tomato stew OR zucchini cream sauce with vegetables from our own garden.
Rižot pohan i serviran na kremi od povrća (iz našeg vrta) i orašastih plodova, na bazi citrusa./
Risotto fried and served with vegetables (from our own garden) and nuts, with a citrus base.
Zapečen patlidžan punjen s dvije vrste sira, maslinama i poslužen s divljom rukolom i krompirićima./
Baked aubergine stuffed with two cheeses, olives and served with wild rucola and potatoes.
Meso spremano na vanjskom roštilju dok čekate/Meat made on outdoor grill while you wait
Birani komadi bračke janjetine, uz povrće i orijentalne začine na ražnjiću. Prilog su pekarski krumpirići naši pomidori i domaći BBQ sos./
Selected pieces of Brač lamb with vegetables and oriental spices on spit. We serve home baked potatoes, our own tomatoes and our BBQ sauce as side dish.
Ražnjići od lungića s povrćem posluženi s pekarskim krumpirom, našim pomidorima i domaćim BBQ sosom kao prilog./
Grilled pork served with vegetables, home baked potatoes, our own tomatoes and our BBQ sauce as side dish.
Piletina (prsa) servirana s tikvicama sa žara na kremi od tikvice (ili posluženo s krumpirićima)./
Chicken (breast) served with grilled zucchini and on zucchini cream (or served with potatoes).
Nagrađivana mekana i sočna svinjska rebarca pripremljena na gradelama i poslužena s domaćim BBQ sosom, povrćem iz našeg vrta i pekarskim krumpirićima.
Award-winning tender and tasty pork ribs grilled and served with home-made BBQ sauce, veggies from our garden and potatoes.
Tradicionalno jelo. Predbilježbe obavezne dan ranije. Minimalna narudžba: četiri porcije. Navedena cijena je po osobi/Traditional dish. Reservation required a day in advance. Minimum order: four portions. Prices are per person.
Probrani dijelovi janjetine s povrćem i krumpirom pečeni ispod peke u vinu, začinima i vlastitom soku./
Selected pieces of lamb with vegetables and potatoes cooked under the traditional bell (peka) in wine, spices and its own juice.
Hobotnica pečena s povrćem i krumpirom ispod peke u vinu, začinima i vlastitom soku./
Octopus with vegetables and potatoes cooked under the traditional bell (peka) in wine, spices and its own juice.
Probajte naše prirodne specijalitete pripremljene na jedinstven način/Try our natural specialties prepared uniquely.
Velika salata sa feta sirom, povrćem (svježe rajčice, krastavac, paprika, svježi bosiljak, cherry rajčica)./
Large salad with feta cheese, vegetables (fresh tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, fresh basil, cherry tomato).
Domaći krumpiri prženi uz trunku začina./
Homegrown potatoes fried with a touch of herbs.
Košarica kruha pečenog u vlastitoj kuhinji bez aditiva./
Basket of bread baked in our own kitchen with no preservatives.
Za kraj preporučujemo jedinstvene slastice Brača/Finish your meal with the unique sweets of Brač.
Specijalitet kuće: domaći lava cake serviran sa sladoledom, šumskim voćem, keksima i mentom./
Specialty of the house: home made lava cake served with ice cream, berries, cookies and mint.
Specijalitet kuće: panna cotta s bračkim medom i chutney od jabuke./
Specialty of the house: panna cotta with Brač honey and apple chutney.
Specijalitet Dola na Braču, kao zaštičen UNESCO spomenik kulture - isprobajte djelić povijesti./
Specialty from Dol in Brač, a UNESCO protected cultural heritage - taste a piece of history.
Cava Brač je registriran OPG u sustavu PDV / Cava Brač is a registered agribusiness, VAT liable.
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